Freelance graphic designer based in Long Beach, Southern California.


Experimental Typography

Case Study
Concept, Execution
Cultural Dualities is a typographical experiment that offers a glimpse to the instability of the migrant identity. Both an emigrant and immigrant, the identity does not become muddled but instead becomes fragmented, on an attempt to piece all cultural elements of both the old and the new home.


Manipulate type however you can to convey a personal message.


Two problems are needed to be resolved:

  1. How do I convey multiple contradicting impressions in one execution?
  2. How do I present an overall defragmented message through type?

  1. A trivision billboard is a good agency to convey multiple impressions; depending on which angle you are looking towards it, a different message will be read.
  2. The organic, idiosyncratic typographies that reside in Bjork’s art directions provide inspiration on how to present an overall fragmented piece.

The type Figgy/Gelato was utilized for its rounded, curvy terminal strokes; it pairs well with the undulating dizzying yellow and red lines moving in the background. The two colors are very stark contrast from each other that veer towards visual strain.

The undulation is then repeated in the three dimensional form to mimic a trivision; the installation is made more than life size in order to make the piece more interactive and immersive.

Freelance graphic designer based in Long Beach, Southern California.

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Some works were designed as either studies or used in academic settings.

No copyright infringement intended.
Some works were designed as either studies or used in academic settings.

No copyright infringement intended.